Order status codes

Order status helps with current status of the order, and progress of the transaction

Onramp Status codes

The merchantHistory and webhook updates endpoints provide status updates for transactions initiated through the API. The status code included in the response indicates the current stage of the order. The following status codes and their respective meanings are listed below:

Status codeMeaningDescription


amount mismatch

The sent amount does not match the required amount.


bank and kyc name mismatch

The names on the bank account and KYC do not match.


transaction abandoned

The user has abandoned the transaction.


transaction timed out

The transaction has exceeded the allowable time limit.


transaction created

The transaction has been successfully created.


referenceId claimed

The Reference ID has been successfully claimed.


deposit secured

The deposit for the transaction has been secured.

3, 13

crypto purchased

The desired cryptocurrency has been purchased.

4, 15

withdrawal complete

The withdrawal process is completed.

5, 16

webhook sent

The webhook notification has been sent.


order placement initiated

The process of placing the order has begun.


purchasing crypto

The cryptocurrency purchase is in progress.


withdrawal initiated

The withdrawal process has started.


  • If webhooks are not enabled, transactions that complete successfully will be assigned a status code of either 4 or 15.

Offramp status codes

The merchantHistory endpoint in onramp.money's API provides status updates for transactions that are initiated through the platform's offramp service. The status code returned in the response corresponds to the current stage of the transaction. Below are the status codes and their respective meanings:

Status codeMeaningDescription


amount mismatch

The sent amount does not match the required amount.


Transaction Abandoned

The user has abandoned the transaction.


Transaction Timed Out

The transaction has exceeded the allowable time limit.


order created

The order has been successfully created.


Order Confirmed

The order has been confirmed and a transaction hash has been generated.


deposit found, selling crypto

The transaction hash has been successfully located.


over limit

The user sent a quantity of cryptocurrency that exceeds their KYC limit, and their funds are withheld pending manual review.


crypto sold

The cryptocurrency has been sold.


fiat withdrawal initiated to bank

The process of fiat withdrawal has started.


fiat withdrawal processed

The fiat withdrawal process is complete.


webhook sent

The webhook notification has been sent.


Provide Alternate Bank

The user has the option to provide an alternate bank account for the transaction.


Processing to Alternate Bank

The transaction is being processed to the alternate bank account provided.



The fiat has been processed and the transaction has been successfully completed.


  • status updates are only available for merchantHistory. Webhook support would be added soon.

Last updated