Sell Crypto

A quick guide for converting crypto to fiat seamlessly.

Selling Crypto for Fiat in a Seamless Manner

This guide will show you how to quickly and easily sell your crypto for fiat using

Here is a Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Go to and select "Sell Crypto"

  2. Choose the amount you wish to sell

  3. Select the bank account you wish to receive the fiat funds and click on "Proceed"

  4. Connect to your wallet, such as Metamask for browser or Trust/Metamask for mobile, and click "Proceed"

  5. Choose the appropriate blockchain and click "Authenticate"

  6. Sign the request signature to confirm control of the wallet

  7. Verify the transaction details and click on "Confirm"

  8. Click "Approve Now"

  9. Verify the pre-filled values in your wallet and click "Confirm" Note: this is the end of the user journey, rest of the flow is automated

  10. The transaction will be reconciled by onramp in less than a minute

  11. Upon reconciliation, the crypto will be converted to fiat

  12. A bank withdrawal will be initiated

  13. The funds will be credited to your bank account

For a visual guide, please check out this video tutorial:

Last updated